Comic Book Secrets

Monday, September 26, 2005

Will the Spider-man 3 Villain Impact Prices?

The news is just starting to leak out about Spider-man 3 and the storyline, and it looks like the Chameleon will be the villain. This presents us with an interesting situation. The Chameleon makes his first appearance in Amazing Spider-man #1, a book that is already very expensive and desirable.

Will Spider-man #1 see a price jump similar to Batman #189 or Batman #232?

Right now it is hard to say. How do you make Spider-man #1 more desirable?

When the first appearance of a movie villain occurs outside of a first issue, we've seen a healthy increase in price. The comics that introduce the hero of the story have increased in value on the hype, but not to the extent of the villains. The only key "hero" books that have really shot up in value have been the less popular characters; heroes such as Constantine, Punisher, and Blade. These were sort of "second tier" characters and their first appearance had a lot of room to grow.

Amazing Spider-man #1 is completely different. This book is a blue chip in the comic book world, and is already very expensive. There are only so many people who can afford it at the current level, let alone push it to a higher price.

How to we play this? I expect some increased activity for Spider-man #1 as the movie release moves closer. If you have a copy of this book, I'd hold for now. If you can score a lower grade copy ( Good or Very Good) at a discount, I'd probably get it and hold for the movie release.

That's my $.02. Stay tuned for more information about this movie. I'll release the latest news with the newsletter, and update the blog as I get more information.



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