Comic Book Secrets

Monday, November 14, 2005

Your E-Bay Title for Selling Comics

Selling on E-Bay - Breaking it Down

What makes a good E-bay listing? More importantly, what makes a E-Bay auction sell for the highest possible price?

This issue of Comic Book Secrets will begin delving into the secrets.

The first item you must decide before you list you comic is the category. This step cannot be underestimated! Comic books are found under the "Collectibles" heading of E-bay.

Under the Comics category the main sub-categories are:

  • Platinum Age

  • Golden Age

  • Silver Age

  • Bronze Age

  • Modern

Under each of these subcategories there are further subs, such as Superhero and actual character such as "Superman".

Why is the correct category so important? Remember the basic rule of E-bay:

more auction views = more bids = greater selling price

You need to not only generate traffic to your listing, it must be the correct traffic. If a customer is looking for a Golden Age Superman #34 and you have your book listed under the Bronze Age, he is more than likely going to miss it. That missed buyer could be the one person who would get in a bidding war and send your book into the stratosphere.

When you are deciding on the category, you may have to check the published date of your comic book if it is on the edge. Keep with the E-Bay guidelines.

Should you list your comic book in more than one category?

E-bay allows you the option of listing your book in a second category. Unfortunately they charge you another listing fee for this service. If you are doing a basic listing for $0.99, it may not be a big deal if you are expecting to get a high price. If you are doing a featured listing this can be quite expensive and usually not worth it.

Think about it, with a featured listing you need to make an additional 19.95 to make your money back. Are you going to get that many more bids? If you are thinking about doing this be very picky and make sure the item will really be looked at in both categories. I really can't think of a time when I would do this with a featured listing.

To sum up, make sure you pick the correct category for you listing. Your auction profits depend on it.


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