Comic Book Secrets

Monday, September 26, 2005

Will the Spider-man 3 Villain Impact Prices?

The news is just starting to leak out about Spider-man 3 and the storyline, and it looks like the Chameleon will be the villain. This presents us with an interesting situation. The Chameleon makes his first appearance in Amazing Spider-man #1, a book that is already very expensive and desirable.

Will Spider-man #1 see a price jump similar to Batman #189 or Batman #232?

Right now it is hard to say. How do you make Spider-man #1 more desirable?

When the first appearance of a movie villain occurs outside of a first issue, we've seen a healthy increase in price. The comics that introduce the hero of the story have increased in value on the hype, but not to the extent of the villains. The only key "hero" books that have really shot up in value have been the less popular characters; heroes such as Constantine, Punisher, and Blade. These were sort of "second tier" characters and their first appearance had a lot of room to grow.

Amazing Spider-man #1 is completely different. This book is a blue chip in the comic book world, and is already very expensive. There are only so many people who can afford it at the current level, let alone push it to a higher price.

How to we play this? I expect some increased activity for Spider-man #1 as the movie release moves closer. If you have a copy of this book, I'd hold for now. If you can score a lower grade copy ( Good or Very Good) at a discount, I'd probably get it and hold for the movie release.

That's my $.02. Stay tuned for more information about this movie. I'll release the latest news with the newsletter, and update the blog as I get more information.


Tuesday, September 20, 2005

How to find Comic Book Deals on E-Bay

When you become a member of Comic Book Secrets you get more useful tips and full access to the subscribers only site including audio MP3's, monthly picks, selling advice and more. Click on the title above for more information.

How to Find Comic Book Deals on E-Bay

We all know there are some great deals to be had on E-bay if you use the website correctly and protect yourself. In this issue I want to discuss searching on E-bay to find hidden deals.

The rule governing auction sales price is:

more views = more bids = higher sales price

Keep this in mind as you read the next section.

The Basic Search

It's kind of ironic. A person who knows E-bay could be missing out on "deals" because they're conducting searches correctly. How is this?

When I first start a search for a specific comic on E-bay, I go to the comics area, and more specifically the Gold, Silver, Bronze or Modern area and type the name of the book I'm looking for in quotes.

For example: "X-men 1"

Why? This will limit my search to only those books I really want. I don't want to spend wasted time looking at every title that has X-men and the number 1 in the title. I want limited exact results. This is your typical "educated" E-bay search.

But I'm missing out on some great deals. But why?

Expand Your Horizons

If you really want to find some hidden deals, you need to expand your search. The way to accomplish this is to use a loose search term.

To start, if I were looking for a copy of X-men 1, I would go to the Silver Age section and type in X-men 1 instead of putting it in quotes.

If I want to expand the search even more, I will go to the main comics section (collectibles>comics) and type in X-men 1 without quotes.

If I want to get crazy, I'll just go to the main E-bay page and type in either "X-men 1" or X-men 1 (without quotes).

I do this to uncover incorrect listings. Remember what I wrote about the basic E-bay rule? Here's a refresher:

more views = more bids = higher sales price

Correctly listed auctions have more views, so they sell for higher prices. This is exactly what we want if we're selling. But not if we're buying. We want to find that auction that nobody sees. That auction that leaves the seller scratching their head saying "why didn't this sell for more?"

By expanding our search, we can uncover some of these hidden gems.

Look at some recent search results.

First, I want to the silver age E-bay section and searched for "X-men 1". This search turned up 13 items.

Next, I searched on the term X-men 1 with no quotes. This resulted in 53 items being shown.

Next search, the main comics section for "X-men 1". Result: 267 items.

My next search was for X-men 1 without quotes. The result: 1285 items.

E-bay main search for "X-men 1": 341 items returned.

E-bay main search for X-men 1: 1455 items returned.

Now a lot of these auctions are not what we're looking for, that's obvious. But we're looking for that hidden book. Does it take time? Yes. But with diligence you can be rewarded. By taking the time nobody else is willing to invest, you can find some real deals. This is what separated the pros for the amateurs.

Try it some time. You just may find one of those great deals!

Saturday, September 17, 2005

September eNews now online

The September issue of Comic Book Secrets Monthly is now online. The latest back issue and new comic picks are in this issue as well as some important tips for selling you comics and a great tip for finding hidden, low priced gems on E-Bay.

Click on the title above to get the exclusive members only eNews and MP3 audio supplement.


Thursday, September 15, 2005

A Great Tool for Serious E-Bay Sellers

I'm always looking for small tweaks that will increase my sales percentage and prices for my E-bay auctions. Once you have your basic selling format in place, you should do the same.

Over the last couple of months I've been using a tool called SellersVoice on all of my auctions and it has been successful.

The feedback I've received from bidders and potential bidders has been excellent. This tool is easy to use and adds a couple of important dimensions to your auctions.

There are two very important things you are trying to accomplish in any auction listing:

  • You must earn the trust of the bidder so they feel safe buying from you.

  • You must describe and highlight your item to get a higher bid and make your auction stand out from the hundreds of others on E-bay.

SellersVoice helps accomplish both. This tool allows you to add an audio description to your comic book listings.

Sellers voice will allow you to describe in vivid detail the condition and benefits of your book. Audio also allows the bidder to hear you, building trust that there is a real person, serious about selling comic books, listing the auction. It also allows you to reinforce your payment, shipping and packaging policies while the bidder looks at your book.

The company also allows you to be an affiliate, adding a “sales multiplier” to everyone of your auctions. Sellers voice is an all-around fantastic solution to help you achieve maximum sales price for your comic books.

One of the great things about this tool is you can try it out for $1.00 (yes, $1.00) for a full 30 days. This will allow you to run several auctions and see for yourself what kind of bids you can get, and the receive feedback from companies.

You really have nothing to lose and everything to gain. You don't even need a microphone to record your audio, you can do it right over the phone.

Click here to visit the company website.