Comic Book Secrets

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Marvel Onslaught

Marvel Onslaught is Coming - A Selling Opportunity?

Marvel Comics Onslaught Reborn #1 is due to hit the stands on November 29th. Will this mini-series by Jeff Loeb and Rob Liefield spark some back issue interest and if so what issues will benefit?

The obvious issues to pick up are almost ten years old - the original Heroes Reborn: The Return issues 1-4 and their variant covers (from way back in 1997) and the Heroes Reborn one-shots from 2000. These books have been languishing in the back issue bins and should now get a boost. If you are lucky enough you may even find them in some $.25 bins at conventions. These kind of books are always fun "sleepers" to pick up.

Onslaught's first appearance was in X-men #53 - another book that should benefit from the series. To read more about the character click here. Another great source for information is here.

No doubt the new series will be heavily ordered. Will it be profitable for the collector? I'd say chances are slim.


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