Comic Book Secrets

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Comic Book Secrets is Back!

Comic Book Secrets Update!

Where the heck have you been?

Dear Comic Book Friends,

It has been a long time since we've talked - too long.  I apologize
for my absence, but rest assured, Comic Book Secrets is back and will be better
than ever.

Where have I been?

Well, it's along story, but the short version is:

  • I spent most of June and July flying back and forth between California and
    Michigan where my wife and family were called upon to deal with a family
    illness.  This was a stressful event, but things are now under control
    and we are moving on.  More about this trip in the next update.

  • I am the President of an education non-profit and it has taken an
    unbelievable amount of time the last two months;  time that was taken
    away from the newsletter, website and my other online businesses.  This
    was further complicated by the travel time spent above.

My family and other crises are now over and we are ready to move on.  I
sincerely thank the many subscribers who contacted me with their support and
kind words.  It means a lot.  Now we are going to have some fun and
I'm going to give you a lot of information over the next few weeks.

Here are some of the highlights:

  • New podcast "studio" with higher quality recording and more updates.

  • Multiple updates to the blog each week!

  • A new special "top secret" focus for the website that you will find out about in a week

  • Huge expansion to the website

  • Special free offers to premier subscribers

  • and a lot more (only to subscribers of course)!

Thank you again for your patience and support, and expect to hear more in a
couple of days!

Happy Collecting!


Important Links:

Subscriber Homepage
