Comic Book Secrets

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Fantastic Four Movie Results

The Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer brought in $57.4 million on it's opening weekend. Not too shabby.

The news continues to be positive for collectors and movie fans with the success of the genre. But have you been watching the prices of books such as Fantastic Four #48? They are in the stratosphere! Without a doubt we are now on the downside of a lot of these movie "hype" books, so watch out.

I'm giving the readers of the blog and the newsletter a heads-up on the Comic Book Movie Profits e-book.

I've decided to pull the Spring/Summer 2007 Comic Book Movie Update off the market!

This will occur around midnight (PST) on Sunday night (June 24, 2007).

Why? Well. quite simply I don't want many more people to have the information, especially the sleeper pick. My wife thinks I'm crazy for publishing the information at all. So, due to reader feedback and wife feedback - the update is going away.

You will still be able to purchase the Comic Book Movie Profits book, just not the update. I'll be including a new bonus.

So if you still want the 2007 Update go here.

If you want the whole thing - the Comic Book Movie Profit Book and Update, go here.

Also, members, you will get the new comic picks this weekend, so check out the members site on the web.


Monday, May 14, 2007

Batman: The Dark Knight Teaser Site

Warner Bros. launched a teaser site for Batman: The Dark Knight. The Comic Book Movie momentum keeps growing, and with a payday like Spider-man 3 I don't think it will slow down anytime soon.

Speaking of Spider-man 3, it keeps rolling along. I heard a story on the radio today discussing whether it will break the $1 billion mark. Domestic and overseas receipts are so strong, I think it is a real possibility. It will definitely break the mark once the DVD's are released.

No picks today, but I will have some in the near future for the blog. I'm thinking about pulling the Spring/Summer 2007 Comic Book Movie Update soon. Several readers have asked that I do this to keep the "press" down on these books (my wife thought I was crazy to even release it - she asked me what I was doing, just shut up and go buy the picks!)

If you have visited the main site in the last few days, please be patient. As you can tell, I'm in the middle of a major update - I think you will like it. More to follow in the subscriber and Ultimates newsletter.


Monday, May 07, 2007

Spider-man 3 - It's Huge!

$148 Million.

It's, pardon the pun, amazing.

Spider-man 3 smashed box office records pulling in $148 million in the first three days.

It also broke the single day record by bringing in $59.3 million on Friday.

Obviously great news for comic book fans everywhere. Look at the comic book landscape today and it looks very good. I said earlier this is the year of the comic book movie. The movies are great, but there is also Heroes on NBC, comic book sales are up, graphic novels are selling well - all good news.
Will the Marvel, DC and the Independents take advantage of this situation? We'll see, but I hope so.

Without a doubt, this kind of success will lead to more comic book characters making the migration to the big screen. I'll follow up with some more picks in the coming weeks.

I want to thank everyone who purchased the Spring/Summer 2007 Comic Book Movie Update. I hope you are enjoying it and taking advantage of the information and picks inside.


Sunday, April 29, 2007

Is Your Spidey Sense Tingling?

We are now officially less than one week from release of one of the biggest movies of the year - Spider-man 3! To celebrate I've released the long anticipated Spring/Summer 2007 Comic Book Movie Update!

Over the next few weeks you can get some great comic book movie information on the blog, or pick it up all at once by visiting the link above. Now let's talk Spider-man!

Spider-man 3 Update

We know the main characters of this film and it is going to be a villain party! We’ll see how it all works out, but there is no shortage of books to look for.

Take a deep breath - we have Sandman, Venom, Green Goblin II, not to mention the prominent advertising of the “black suit”. The situation demands constant monitoring for the latest news.

Key Characters/New Arrivals

Sandman – The key book is Amazing Spider-man 4, but all appearances will probably gain.

Venom – First appearance in Amazing Spider-man 300. This book is already desirable due to his appearance.

Green Goblin II – Telegraphed in the movies, especially at the end of Spider-man 2 when Harry finds Dad’s secret stash. We know from the clips that Harry takes flight. We’ll know all the details on May 4.

Black Suit Spider-man – The issue everyone is clamoring for is Amazing Spider-man #252.

Books to Watch

Amazing Fantasy 15 – First appearance and origin of Spider-man. We’ll see more for sale, a possibly a price increase, but I doubt it will be large.

Amazing Spider-man 4 – 1st appearance of the Sandman .

Amazing Spider-man 136 – 1st appearance Harry Osborn in the Green Goblin costume. Look for ungraded or inexpensive deals and be ready to pounce!

Amazing Spider-man 300 – 1st Venom. Already in demand, try to stick with high grade copies since there are so many available. Look for ungraded high-grade copies to submit.

Amazing Spider-man 252 – Black suit key issue. Make sure you concentrate on high-grade issues. If you can do a “flip” to a CGC book, it may not be too late to pick this book up.

Marvel Team-Up 141 – Ties for first black costume Spider-man issue, but this isn’t selling for as much in the marketplace. Still looks good, and if you can find one in high-grade, get ready to sell as the movie approaches.

Stay tuned for more movie updates!


Thursday, April 26, 2007

Fire on Batman Set

The filming for Batman: The Dark Knight Returns has begun and already there has been trouble - or has there?

The link above gives the story, but there was a fire at the Batman site on April 24.

The good news - filming is underway! Time to start picking up those books are finalizing your strategy.

Tomorrow begins the big movie update!


Sunday, April 22, 2007

Iron Man and some New Info!

I'm breathing a deep sigh of relief!

I just finished the Spring/Summer 2007 Comic Book Movie Update Special Report and it'll be released this week. Keep an eye out! It will have a lot of information about what comic books you need to be looking for now.

I just saw the great picture above from one of the movies in the special report courtesy of

I already called 2007 the year of the Comic Book Movie, and it looks like 2008 won't be a slouch either.

Stay tuned for some great information.

P.S. Premier Subcribers look for two special reports delivered to your e-mail over the next couple weeks!


Friday, March 09, 2007

Why 300 Matters

On the heels of Ghost Rider we now have the 300 release. Although it was a graphic novel, it's still important to Comic Book Secrets readers.

If you've read past newsletters or any of the e-books I've released, you've read about supply and demand. It's economics 101 - and comic book values 101.

Demand Up = Price Up (okay there is a supply issue, but you get the idea).

Even though it's a graphic novel and won't have a direct impact on any single comic, increased comic press is good. Graphic Novels are a great way for many people to get back into the comic scene without having to find a comic store or scour E-bay for comic deals. Heck, my local B+N had this graphic novel featured!

If 300 increases readership, it's a good thing. Who knows, they may even start collecting those back issues they remember from years ago! With the stream of comic book movies coming out in the next few months, this could really increase momentum in the hobby.

Speaking of momentum, exactly how are comic book sales doing? Check back tomorrow for an update, you may be surprised.


Thursday, December 14, 2006

Black Suit Spidey

Do you have your black suit spidey issues?

If you're wondering why I ask you are out of the loop watching the Spiderman 3 trailers. I can't wait to see the hollywood interpretation of the black suit. The comic book movies have taken important stories and pieces of stories and given them their own spin. It's been fun watching somebody else put their version or idea of a storyline on the big screen. With that being said, the following issues are in play since we don't know exactly what will be done with Spidey!

Amazing Spider-man 300 - 1st Venom. Looks like he'll make an appearance in Spider-man 3 and this book has been red hot!

Amazing Spider-man #252 - "Homecoming" with the great black suit cover.

This is even more important now! In the aftermath of Marvel's Civil War storyline, Spider-man is returning to his black suit. Couple this event with the upcoming movie and you have a recipe for a huge jump in demand.

Do you have any other issues to add? Please leave comments!


Tuesday, November 01, 2005

The Comic Book Movie Connection

Hello Online Comic Book Fans,

As a reader of this newletter know the important connection between comic book character movies and the books themselves. Several of the picks and value examples highlight this relationship. This month I have released a special report covering every aspect of the comic book movie connection. The e-book special report is titled:

"The Comic Book Movie Connection: How it Works, What to Do and How to Profit"

Please click on the title above to learn more abou this special report. As you know, 2006 will be a big year for comic book movies with the release of X-men 3, Superman Returns, V for Vendetta, Ghost Rider, etc.

Now is the time to read this report! Inside you will find all the information you need to make the correct picks and decisions for buying, selling, holding, accumulating the comic books that have the best chance for success in the coming year and later.

Don't wait, with every week and month that goes by the correct comics go up in price!


Monday, September 26, 2005

Will the Spider-man 3 Villain Impact Prices?

The news is just starting to leak out about Spider-man 3 and the storyline, and it looks like the Chameleon will be the villain. This presents us with an interesting situation. The Chameleon makes his first appearance in Amazing Spider-man #1, a book that is already very expensive and desirable.

Will Spider-man #1 see a price jump similar to Batman #189 or Batman #232?

Right now it is hard to say. How do you make Spider-man #1 more desirable?

When the first appearance of a movie villain occurs outside of a first issue, we've seen a healthy increase in price. The comics that introduce the hero of the story have increased in value on the hype, but not to the extent of the villains. The only key "hero" books that have really shot up in value have been the less popular characters; heroes such as Constantine, Punisher, and Blade. These were sort of "second tier" characters and their first appearance had a lot of room to grow.

Amazing Spider-man #1 is completely different. This book is a blue chip in the comic book world, and is already very expensive. There are only so many people who can afford it at the current level, let alone push it to a higher price.

How to we play this? I expect some increased activity for Spider-man #1 as the movie release moves closer. If you have a copy of this book, I'd hold for now. If you can score a lower grade copy ( Good or Very Good) at a discount, I'd probably get it and hold for the movie release.

That's my $.02. Stay tuned for more information about this movie. I'll release the latest news with the newsletter, and update the blog as I get more information.


Saturday, August 06, 2005

Spider-man 3 Villain Announced

The villain for Spider-man 3 has been announced and it involves an interesting plot twist. Visit the subscriber homepage for more details.


Sunday, July 10, 2005

Fantastic Weekend

Fantastic Four is off to a fantastic run, with the first weekend bringing in $56 million. This was much better than early predictions.

Click the link below for the full story:

Am I eating crow? Not yet, let's see how the next couple of weeks go and see if the movie has legs...


Friday, July 08, 2005

Will it be a Fantastic Flop?

Four Reasons for a Fantastic Flop!

The summer movie wars are heating up and I'm going to go out on a limb and make a prediction. I think the Fantastic Four movie is going to flop, and I'll give you the four reasons:

1. Batman Begins - Have you seen the movie? This movie may be my favorite Comic Book Movie of all time. In my opinion, they finally got it right in more ways than one. Not only as a tribute to Batman, but also as a philosophical movie for the age we live in. The story pits good versus evil and the responsibilities we all share. Bravo to David Goyer and director Christopher Nolan (Memento, Insomnia).

2. War of the Worlds - This is movie is being billed as the movie of the summer. It definitely has the star power going for it. It's a Spielberg movie and has Tom Cruise in the starring role, you can't get much bigger than that. Add this movie to the mix and there is a lot of summer competition. Batman Begins will be released a few weeks ahead of Fantastic Four, so the overlap problem won't be too bad, and they won't be going head to head. War of the Worlds on the other hand was to be released on the same weekend as Fantastic Four which leads to reason number 3....

3. Sliding Dates - The Fantastic Four release date was slipped so it wouldn't be competing head-to-head with War of the Worlds. This probably makes good financial sense, but in my opinion shows the studio is conceding defeat - this movie won't be as strong a draw as the star power of War.

4. Try to please everyone - Have you seen the movie trailer for Fantastic Four? If not, visit the official site at Make sure to watch the trailers in order of release. Start by watching the first trailer and then see how they've changed. I may be blind, but the first trailer shows a little camp, and has some modern fanboy images. Now this isn't bad, but it limits the appeal to one particular audience. When you watch the most recent trailer I think you'll notice a more serious tone. So what kind of movie is it? Does it capture the more serious nature of the Fantastic Four, or is it a modern rendition full of special effects, chase scenes, the hot babe and snappy lines? I may be wrong, but it's increasingly looking like both, and by trying to please everyone, it may not please anyone.

I've gone out on a limb here, and to be honest, I hope I'm wrong. I'll see the movie and probably enjoy it, but it doesn't look to be shaping up to be the major blockbuster of Spider-man or X-men. We'll find out soon!

To read more commentary about the latest in comic book news please visit my homepage.
