Comic Book Secrets

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

June 2007 Comic Book Secrets News

Comic Book Secrets June 2007 News

In this Issue:

  • Comic Book Secrets Makeover
  • New Comic Picks
  • Back Issue Picks

Comic Book Secrets Makeover

By now you have seen the changes to the website, and there have been a lot of them. I am tweaking and adding almost everyday, so keep visiting, watching, and sending your feedback. Let's go over the major changes and how you should use them.

The first item is the back issue picks. This page includes links to back issues other than movie comics (more on that later). Within this category you'll now find Gold, Silver, Bronze and High Grade categories. I'll be adding more soon. These are the "blue chip" investments and under each page you will find E-bay auctions for the picks. Make sure you are keeping track of prices so you have a current market value source.

Next up is the New Comic Picks. Here you will find the latest new issue and recent back issue picks, along with more information about where these books are in the buying/selling timeline. Use these picks in conjunction with the monthly newsletter.

Finally we have the movie picks. The links are along the left side of this page. They may look like the links on the main non-subscriber homepage, but they are not! Click on one of the titles then come back. As you can see, these subscriber only pages contain the current comic book movie picks. I am adding news updates for each title as fast as I can. Remember - these are the exact books I'm looking at for increases in value as the movies approach! It is a big change from the non-subscriber homepage.

Other than the look of the website, those are the main changes. I'm welcome to suggestions, so please let me know at Over the next few newsletters I will be going into each area a little more in-depth. This month will be the Bronze Age picks.

New Comic Picks

The first issue out of the chute is Thor #1. This book is supposed to be released on July 5th, and no doubt it has been heavily ordered. I'm not looking at this particular issue so much as I am looking for another bump in interest in Fantastic Four #538. If you recall, this book is the now famous "Thor's Hammer" cover. If you have some of these stockpiled, be ready to move after Thor #1 and #2 are released.

The next book is a recent back issue and is Incredible Hulk #92. This book is moving and the Planet Hulk/World War Hulk issues are hot. Time to make sure you have locked in some cash on this book.

I'm also looking at the Endangered Species shorts that are running from June until October. This is the race against the clock for the Beast as he tries to save mutants after the "No more mutants" line. This will be a series of 8 page back-ups running in Uncanny X-men, X-factor, New X-men, and X-men. If this catches on the real picks will be in the under ordered titles. I think retailers may bump up their orders in anticipation, but if the storyline is hot, there could be a lot of action in some titles.

Let's look at the Endangered Species title numbers. X-men averages a monthly print run of about 75,000 copies, Uncanny X-men about 83,000, X-Factor 38,000, and New X-men 37,000. You can see the opportunity here. There is quite an opportunity for a spike in demand for X-Factor and the New X-men titles. It could be a good play.

Back Issue Picks

This month I'm going to feature the Bronze Age comic book section of the website.

Generally, I look at comics for profit in one of two ways - investments or speculation. I use the term investment based on historical returns and the ability to hold value. In my mind, an investment comic is sort of a "blue chip" stock. The downside risk exists, but much less so than say stocking up on 1000 copies of Thor #1 (new issue).

The books I highlight are what I consider "blue chips" of the age. Take a look at the list. These comics tend to always be in demand, both as high grade investor copies and as low grade reader copies.

There are a couple of things I like about this age. First, the books are relatively affordable (compared with many Silver and Golden Age books), and the main readers of the books off the newstand are now entering their prime "disposable income" years. The potential upside in price combined with the availability of cash make this some prime ground.

Keep an eye on these books, and make sure you are recording the values somehow. If one these "blue chips" of the Bronze Age comes along at the right price, be ready to pounce.

Wrapping It Up

That's all for this issue. Make sure you are checking the blog and this subscriber only section regularly, I will be updating every few days.

Until Next Time - Have fun and be a Renegade Collector!


If you aren't a full member yet and want to access the member only pages, visit here.


Sunday, April 30, 2006

April News is now Online!

Comic Book Secrets April eNews is now online.

April is our Special X-men The Last Stand Month!

Click on the link below to read the latest.

In this issue:

  • The lastest and most important X-men auctions

  • The Restoration discussion wraps up - Discover the secrets of staple
    replacement and cleaning 

  • The latest pre-order and back issue comic book picks

  • Discover a new online scam that could cost you money - and how to protect



Important Links:

Subscriber Homepage



Tuesday, April 25, 2006

April Comic Secrets News

The April Comic Book Secrets eNews is on the way!

This month we'll discuss:
  • X-men 3 - is it time to sell? Find out this month
  • The Restoration Series - how to spot staple replacement and cleaning
  • A new e-mail rip-off scheme you must know!
  • Plus the this months picks and future orders

Look for your copy on April 26.....



Friday, February 10, 2006

Comic Book Secrets February eNews

Hello Online Comic Book Fans,

As promised, the February edition of Comic Book Secrets in online early in the month!

The new format features a special area for "picks" only, both back issue and new issue. If you have any questions or comments, please e-mail and let me know what you think!

Until next month,



The Value Guide

Back Issues

Make sure to look at the pre-order picks to find out the whole story of these back issues. This month we'll take down some prices for Werewolf by Night #32 and to celebrate some great Furry Beast pictures in Wizard, we'll look at the high grade challenge book, Amazing Adventures #11.

Look at these prices for non-CGC Werewolf by Night 32's

NM 9.2 Non CGC

VF Copy non-CGC

A NM CGC 9.4 - Look at this Price!

Now on to Amazing Adventures #11

CGC 9.4 Copy

CGC 8.5 Copy

VF Copy, non-CGC


The Buyers Guide

Tip of the Month - Restoration

Lesson of the Month: Piece Replacement

Piece replacement is one of the largest restoration tasks you'll ever see accomplished on a comic book. A professional job can be perfect, a true art in and of itself, and an amateur piece replacement could make anyone gasp in horror - looking far worse than if the comic was missing the piece in its entirety!

Piece replacement is exactly what is says - a piece of the cover or interior is replaced with either an identical piece from another comic, or a fabricated piece drawn and painted or color photocopied. The most extreme example would be an entire cover replacement, which again could be a cover from another copy of the same issue or a color photocopy.

How can you tell?

A poor piece replacement will be obvious. The color won't match, you'll see a "line" where the piece was glued in,etc. It will look, well, bad!

A professional job is more difficult and will call upon the lessons learned in previous issues. You will need to open the book and carefully examine the inner covers. Use a "glancing" light to see any uneven area or difference in gloss or texture. A black light should be used to highlight the glue line where the new piece was attached.

Piece replacement is one of the most invasive and serious restorations - and expensive. These books usually take the biggest hit in price because the original, unrestored copy was in such poor condition. It is very important to compare the price of other issues of restored books with piece replacement before buying. A price comparison will keep you from paying too much.

Next month you'll learn the basics of pressing.



The Seller's Guide

Selling on E-Bay - Breaking it Down

What makes a good E-bay listing? More importantly, what makes a E-Bay auction sell for the highest possible price?

This Month - Photos

Once you have gotten the attention of a potential bidder, the photo becomes the most important item in closing the sale. This is followed closely by the description and your shipping details, but the photo is HUGE!

Here are some basics to keep in mind:

  • Always include a photo - this builds trust that you actually have the comic book, and gives the bidder something tangible to grasp. Remember the old saying - "A picture is worth a thousand words!"

  • Make sure you picture is clear and reveals some detail

  • Don't make your picture too small (100x200 pixels) unless you have a link to a larger scan

  • Don't make your picture too large in size (both MB and pixel size) - it will take too long to load and bidders may just move on

  • Take front and back cover scans or pictures of your more expensive books, interior pictures are great too!

Remember, E-Bay selling is based on trust, and the picture is one of the most important ways to build that trust and get the highest possible price.

The Latest Picks

New Comics

On the Stands this Month

The first issue I'm watching this month is Daredevil #82. This issue starts Brubakers run on the title. You've heard my praise for him in the past, especially his run on Captain America. There is also a suprising ending to Daredevil #81, so this issue could also get a pop in price if the Brubaker run goes well. Also, don't forget Marvel Knights Spider-man #23 with Angel Medina art. Watch this one and be ready to get in and out if it does well.

Pre-Order Comics

DC is on a mini-series streak! My opinion, don't buy in for anything buy reading pleasure. Ion #1 may be the only exception. I would also look for some early Kyle Rayner action. Following the same course is Moon Knight #1. Not necessarily a big winner (but the book looks good, so watch carefully and pick up some heavily discounted copies below), so the back issues should do well, a great time to bring them out of your boxes and sell or trade. Wolverine Origins #1 is a pick, but I'm concentrating on the variant cover. The book is heavily ordered, so the regular issue may only see a small increase in price. The variant on the other hand will be sought after. Finally we'll wrap up with the Annihilation Mini Series. I'm out on these. Nothing too exciting, and right now I don't see anything to change my mind. A pass for now.

Click Here for up to 75% off the above comics 

Wrapping It Up

Remember the new blog address:

The site feed address:

Also make sure to visit the podcast/MP3 download page by clicking here.

If you haven't downloaded the new free bonus book, click here.

I always welcome your comments and suggestions, so feel free to reply to this e-mail.

Until Next Time Happy Collecting,



Saturday, September 17, 2005

September eNews now online

The September issue of Comic Book Secrets Monthly is now online. The latest back issue and new comic picks are in this issue as well as some important tips for selling you comics and a great tip for finding hidden, low priced gems on E-Bay.

Click on the title above to get the exclusive members only eNews and MP3 audio supplement.


Wednesday, August 17, 2005

August eNews is Online!

The August Edition of the Susbcribers eNews is now online along with the Podcast and MP3.

In this issue I discuss:

- The latest news about Spider-man 3 and the villain announcement
- A great tool to increase your auction sales
- A review of key sales in July
- The "book of the month"
- Pre-order comics to watch
- The Golden Age comic book watchlist is now online

More to come in the next couple of days.
