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I know some of you haven't discovered the Secrets to Profit from Comic Book Movie Comics. So for a limited time you can get a very special discount on the entire package.

If you would like to take advantage of this offer, scroll down and read about this special e-book. If you already own "Comic Book Movie Profits" just click below to order the 2007 Comic Book Movie Update Report only.

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Discover how one book gained $621 in profit in under 3 months!

"How to Use Comic Book Movies to Pick the Exact Books that will Skyrocket in Price..."


Dear Comic Book Fan,

Comic Book Movies have been the blockbuster hits of the last few years. These movies, based on popular comic book characters have made well over a billion dollars!

But is there a way to make money off the comic books themselves?

Can you take advantage of this amazing popularity?

The answer is YES!

From the author and editor of Comic Book Secrets Monthly comes a special report showing you the connection between comic book movies and the comic books themselves - and how you can profit.

Learn the exact steps to pick the winners, buy them for pennies on the dollar and sell them for HUGE profits!

In this special report you'll learn how to:

  • Find the exact comic books that are poised to increase in price
  • Learn when to buy the exact comic books
  • When to hold the comic books
  • When to sell comic book movies comics

Find the exact comic books that are poised for huge price increases!

There is a reason why one comic book rose over $621 in less than three months. In this special report I'll walk you through examples of the books that rose in price and we'll dissect their ascent.

You'll learn how to find the specific information that will lead to profits. Not all information is good information. You'll learn how to weed out the junk and pick out the gems. Most importantly you'll learn where you can find this information when it's needed the most.

Now, not every book has gone on to rise in price this much, but in Comic Book Movies you'll learn the one criteria that has been successful time after time.

Once you learn how to determine what issues will rise in price, you'll learn where to find these comics and how to buy them at the lowest price.

It's not enough to know what books you need to buy, you also need to know the best places to find these important books and how to purchase them at pennies on the dollar.

Every Penny You Save when you Buy is more Profit in the end!

In this special report I'll teach you money saving tips that will improve your bottom line. Once you know what to buy and how to buy, I'll teach you the next money making secret - the comic book phases.

Timing is Everything!

I've seen several buyers follow all the rules to get the best possible price when they purchase a comic book, but still lose money. Why?

Because the secret is out and everybody has raised their prices!

I've also seen sellers put their books up for sale too late and lose hundreds of dollars.

I remember reading a popular monthly report where dealers around the country would give their opinions about the industry. This particular report was released at the same time as The Punisher. The dealer made the statement that collectors needed to pick up their copies of Amazing Spider-man #129 immediately, while they were hot!

I can't imagine worse advice!

If you were unlucky enough to follow this self-centered dealers advice you would have watched your investment plummet in value, when you could have been using that same money to buy an issue of Batman #232 that was ready to sky-rocket in price!

In Comic Book Movies Special Report you'll learn the exact timing secrets so you avoid these costly mistakes!

Using our case studies you'll learn:

  • The time to purchase, and when you need to sit it out
  • How long to hold on to your comics before selling
  • When to sell to make the highest possible profit
  • How not to get taken by crooked dealers (discussed above) who are out to rip you off!


Sell Your Comics for the Best Price - Everytime!

There are certain secrets to getting the best price for your comics, especially on E-bay.

But comic books associated with movies must have very specific items to get the highest price.

In the special report you will learn:

  • The exact items your auctions must have to explode you sales. These items will give confidence to your buyers and make them want to bid.
  • The exact words you must include to increase your bids. Just one phrase can make the difference between a few page views and bids and hundreds of page views and bids.

Plus, you'll get my special Comic Book Movie Increased Profit Strategies

These strategies ensure you have the best chance for making a large profit on every comic book sale.

Special strategies include:

  • How to lock in profits. This strategy will tell you how the experts ensure they never lose money when they sell their comics.
  • How to successfully boost profits. This one technique will show you how to make your E-bay auctions a perpetual sales machine, bringing in money long after your auction ends.
  • How to make a profit anytime! Ideally you'll sell at the exact moment you learn in this special report, but that may not always be possible in your situation. Maybe you need some extra cash now. With this secret you will learn how to ensure you still make money, even at the worst possible time!


Plus, A Special Bonus!

The Comic Book Movies Special Report will teach you everything you need to know about setting up a perpetual money making venture using these movies. But, you will have to follow the instructions and do some research.

To save you time and get you started immediately I'm including this special bonus...

Comic Book Movie Status Update -
The Books You Need to Know Today!

This special update will go over every important Comic Book Movie in development today, the important news and the most important books you need to find now!

This bonus will save you the time researching for what you need to buy and sell and get you off to a quick start. It could literally save you days and months of research time!


Act Now!

Every moment you wait to order is time and profit lost. News is released everday, the value of the important books increases, and your chance of making a profit disappears!

Remember, timing is everything!

If you are ready to:

  • Learn how to find the exact books that are poised to explode in value
  • Be the first to gain valuable news
  • Learn how to buy books for pennies on the dollar
  • Know the exact timing for every buy, sell and hold decison
  • How to sell your comics for the highest possible price
  • Plus the special strategies to boost profits

and don't forget..

  • The Special Bonus - The Most Important Books You Need to Know Today

Click Here Now!

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