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Dear Comic Book Secrets Members,

I hope you enjoy this member section and if you have any feedback or suggestions please feel free to e-mail me at questions@comicbooksecrets.com .

Below you'll find videos and bonuses to help you get the most out of your comic book buying, selling and collecting.

Three Steps to Deep Discount Comic Books - All members get the Comics for Pennies Special Report and videos for free. Click here to access this member only benefit.

The Blog - This is available to everyone and includes various news and value updates, as well as anything I want to get out at a moments notice. Click here to visit.

Member Only Value Course - An up-to-date, accurate market based value is the foundation of making the most of your collection. In these videos you'll discover how to find the current value of your comic books and how to double-check those Overstreet prices. Remember - go for facts, not opinions about value!

Comic Search Magnets - This video shows you how I set up automatic searches to save time finding my want list comic books. Don't keep hunting for comic books, have them automatically come to you!

The Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide - this is considered the "bible" of the comic book industry. Along with values and extensive market reports, it is my go to research tool to find undervalued and up and coming comic book speculations.

The Heritage Auction House Prices Realized Guide - Heritage Auctions has graciously let me link to there completed auction archives. This a wonderful free tool for actual past auction sales results.