Special Web Hosting Discount

If you are thinking of selling your comic books or comic book related information online, Hostgator (my web hosting provider) just announced a special 40% off promotion with free WordPress setup.

If you’ve ever thought of launching your own comic book related site, this is a great chance.  I run Comic Book Secrets plus a few other comic book related sites.  I actually use one site to buy, sell and trade my own comic book outside of E-bay.  Why?  E-bay fees are expensive and having my own site gives me a lot of options I wouldn’t have if I stayed on their site.

If you want to start your own website (it’s much easier than you think), check out the offer here:

Hostgator 40% Off Promo Offer

Also, if you do run a comic book site, let me know, I’ll check it out and give you a link.


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